hi there
sorry its been so long
ive just been so busy
been doing night shifts etc.....
and i had big things planned for this blog
however im back in the drivers seat and ready to blog once more
im gonna go try and make this a daily blog
got lots of lovley little segments planned
so watch this space
anyway enough the babble
lets get blogging ......
it came to my attention recently that local old folks home had closed down
to be honest i was a little disturbed about this
i couldnt help but wonder where the residents have gone
so i left it to my imagination
and wrote a poem
noras ark
by sean gould
the local home
for folks that are old
the wise and heroic
the brave and the bold
but due to a facelift
in the nearby town
the time has come
for the place to close down
naturally the resident were upset
with dismay
these old troopers
didnt wanna move away
many of these people
had been there for many a year
then an old girl nora piped up
"hey guys i have an idea"
"if you want a better life"
"why dont you come with me"
"we should all build a boat"
"and sail off to sea"
they gathered round her
and they all agreed
and they started work
at a suprising speed
sid and bill
went to fetch some wood
and john with a dodgey hip
helped as best as he could
burt worked hard
with a hammer in his hands
whilst betty in her wheelchair
was holding all the plans
gilbert added windows
to let in the sun
ethal with arthritus
wasnt having much fun
norman put up a roof
to keep off the rain
whilst florance was shouting orders
from her zimmer frame
these pensioners worked their hardest
to get the boat ready
working at a pace
that was far from steady
they packed up and left
waved their carers farewell
the last ones to leave
were tom frank and nell
the boat stood there
the pride of the dock
the passengers arrived in their best
cardigans and floral frocks
they were glowing with excitment
their faces couldnt hide
the boat started the journey
as they waved goodbye with pride
they hadnt smiled this much in 80 years
i just just wish that you could see em
they are happy sunning it up
in the caribeen
noras idea worked out well
it was one that couldnt lose
she became the inventor
of the worlds first over 80s cruise
written 28th july 2008
1 comment:
You’re spending to much time with that other old codger @ poetry Wednesbury but I like the concept you cheeky little ***
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